Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Facebook Stirs Up Trouble for Silicon Valley - Advertising Age - Digital

IMO. What exactly is it about "private" that facebook fails to recognize? While playing dumb about opt-in permission you just cost the entire media industry the freedom to regulate itself. A privilege and social contract that advertisers have managed to honor without your help for more than 200 years. Thank you facebook, and thank you Mark Zuckerberg for single handedly and unilaterally breaking the social contract between advertisers and subscribers. You, above all profile mongering, list hawking carpetbaggers have provided the supreme example of mistrust, social irresponsibility and privacy abuse that will be your legacy.

Facebook Stirs Up Trouble for Silicon Valley - Advertising Age - Digital

Draft of Online Privacy Bill Stirs Fears Among Ad Industry - Advertising Age - Digital

Draft of Online Privacy Bill Stirs Fears Among Ad Industry - Advertising Age - Digital
AdVenture Media on Facebook